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Showing posts from March, 2012

Corn Yield Prospects

With 2011-12 marketing year-ending stocks of U.S. corn expected to be near pipeline levels, the size of the 2012 crop has substantial price implications. Acreage intentions will be revealed in the USDA's March 30 Prospective Plantings report, but much of the current discussion centers on prospects for the U.S. average corn yield. Widely differing views of yield prospects for 2012 have emerged. A number of factors may contribute to the diverse views, but four have received a lot of attention. These include (1) the timing of planting, (2) the magnitude and potential change in the trend yield, (3) the expected summer weather conditions, and (4) the location and magnitude of acreage changes. The mild winter weather and early spring fieldwork suggests that the 2012 crop will be planted in a very timely fashion. There is a general perception that early planting results in a higher U.S. average yield potential, all other things being equal. Agronomic resear...